Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nightly Ritual for Daytime Success

Are you always looking for the next bright shiny object to improve your business? There is a proven strategy immediately available that can have an immediate effect on your business and life. And you can implement and use it in your business right now! In fact, I’ve been using this powerful technique for years. It costs absolutely nothing and requires no fancy tools. 

Here’s how it works: 

At the end of each day, I take a few minutes to think about 5 things that I’m grateful for. This includes small acts of kindness like a stranger who smiled at me, a great parking spot, or someone who held the door open for me. If you don’t acknowledge these small moments of happiness, they will be easily forgotten. 

The key to successfully cultivating an attitude of gratitude is not feeling gratitude. It’s PRACTICING gratitude. Try to think about what you’re grateful for at least once a day. Write it down in a gratitude journal or make a note in your iPhone. The simple act of prioritizing gratitude and counting your blessings will reveal an enormous power that promotes happiness and success. 

Does this sound too good to be true? I promise that the return on even the smallest investment in your gratitude practice will dramatically improve your personal and business life. Give it a try and see what happens!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The True Secret To Business Success

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner and preparations are in full swing. For many people, this is the day to give thanks for what they have and celebrate their blessings with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and gravy… Nothing wrong with that, but I challenge you to take a deep breath and ask yourself:

What are you grateful for RIGHT THIS MOMENT?

When did you last make room for gratitude amidst the chaos and confusion that is the entrepreneurial mind? It’s probably been a while…

If you’re going to ask me about my #1 tip on how to grow a successful business, it’s not a particular software program that I recommend, nor is it a book, a business guru, or a fancy program. It’s much easier and cost-efficient. It’s practicing GRATITUDE!

In today's performance-oriented society, it’s easy to be negative, critical, and pessimistic. Instead of focusing on the blessings that surround us, we focus on what we don't have. And what we focus on expands! This is why the practice of gratitude is so important. When we are grateful, we are in the present moment. We learn to see challenges and mistakes as opportunities for growth.

The power of gratitude is absolutely amazing! When you practice gratitude, you are more energetic, more balanced, and more determined. Practicing gratitude can improve the relationships that you have with existing clients or customers. An attitude of gratitude will make you a magnet to opportunities and abundance. You will be amazed at how things just FLOW to you.

It is impossible to be negative, sad, or critical when you feel grateful. Counting your blessings reminds you of all of the wonderful things and people in your life. And it makes you aware of what matters most in your life.

Gratitude opens up your ability to attract more of what you want, because you appreciate what you already have

Watch out for part 2 of  "The True Secret To Business Succes."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


A New Approach to Visioning to Help You Rise to Your Highest Desires and Destiny for 2015
with Mary Lyn Miller

  • Reach for your highest purpose, greatest good and most prosperous life and face an unlimited horizon!

  • Learn an entirely innovative approach (no vision boards or goal setting) that actually bypasses your mental blocks and resistance so you can realize your true wishes -  so easy, simple and fun, you won’t forget it all after you leave!

  • Connect with people who have used this process over the past several years with results beyond their expectations.

  • After 4 hours, you will leave with a plan of easily remembered concrete steps to take you through an inspired year.
 (And, you will have had Brunch!)

  You Don’t Want to Miss This!

  SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 2015 
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

  $79.00 - $59.00 Early Bird




Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Are You in the Flow of Success?

Flow is a key to your abundance, good decision making, happiness and peace of mind.  In fact, the word “affluence” which we think of as relating to money, is a derivative of the Latin "affluere” which means “flow forth freely.”

Lao-Tsu, some 3,000 years ago said “To find one’s fountain is to learn the true secret of Heaven and Earth. Life asks only that you flow with it – that you do not resist it bubbling forth, that you do not crawl into dark corners of insufficiency and erect barriers.”

Wow, this is challenging.  I spent a lot of years in feelings of insufficiency and being blocked.

Let’s start with the obvious: ever heard of cash flow?!  Without a strong sense of inner flow, you will always be dealing with sporadic cash flow and financial stress.  When challenged, you may get fearful and resist doing new things, taking risks, doing good bookkeeping, and creating solid goals. Without these in place, we continue to focus on “lack,” which only creates more fear and resistance.

Oh, resistance.  Here's the BIG barrier that blocks your flow.

In my early years of business, I had nothing but resistance and barriers, but didn't know about it until I started exploring my core beliefs learned in my very early years about money, abundance, deserving, etc.

Of course, I tried to “fix” it.  Unfortunately, I was fixing my problem with the exact core beliefs that were creating the problem to begin with!  I learned  “Nothing worthwhile is easy.” ( Oh, yes, let’s go against the flow and make it harder.)  After all, “the harder you work the more successful you’ll be.” Or “sometimes you just have to suck it up and make yourself do terrible things you hate.”

This creates a path of no flow.

Ralph Waldo Emerson commented, “to….flow, you must unlearn the wisdom of the world.”  That means that while business/career planning, strategy development and goal setting are awesome tools, (and I use them all the time), they must be subservient to your inner sense of flow.

The good news is that your flow never goes away; you just lose connection. There is a rhythm that runs through your heart, mind and spirit and body every second, every minute.  When you're quiet, happy, content, you feel it.  It doesn't generally happen at the computer,  on your I Phone, or when you're jammed busy.  You know when a decision feels stressful. (Indicator of Bad decision.)  Sometimes all your programming and core beliefs kick in and tells you to make the bad decision anyway, but if it’s not easy and in the flow, you’ll be dealing with repercussions of that for awhile, and it will erect those barriers to real ease and flow.

That’s why going to the mountains and reconnecting with the flow, getting near nature, taking some deep breaths and re-assessing the need to control vs. the freedom of the flow might be one of the best business decisions one can make. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Creating a Kick A** Vision

             Are You Ready for a Kick A** Success Year?

                           Vision Kit Now Available

I don’t mean to shock you with my language……but I do plan to shock you with some information about why typical goal setting processes simply do not work for most people – and the reasons may be stunning to you!  And, it is probably affecting you and you don't even realize it.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have made sincere commitments to change certain aspects of your life starting January 1, but you were doing the same thing again by February 1?
  • You can barely remember your goals last year, but you do know you haven’t made the progress you want this year or gotten the results you were hoping for?
  • You are smart, savvy and know how important a structure for the coming future may be, but have trouble pulling all the pieces together?  (It just seems like way too much work.)
  • You’re uncertain what you want; it either feels completely unrealistic and overwhelming or too little to be accomplishing much. Do you need a strategy, a tactic, a goal, a vision, and intention? - you may have no idea….oh, help!!
You are not alone, and, for a limited time I am offering a straightforward Vision Kit that is easy to follow, fun to do (no it's not a big goal setting nightmare drag) and will help you set a foundation for a really kick a** year!  

I'm even going to send you an audio to go along with it because there's nothing quite like it.
                Buy Now at 

    1) You’ll see where the problem is – and it’s not YOU! 
    2) I'll show you what it takes to simplify and streamline it so your intentions fit you perfectly…..
    3) And, you'll learn  a 4 Step Vision process that you will remember on this exact date next year, and you may be amazed at far you have come……almost effortlessly. 
    4)  You will be connected emotionally to what you want rather than it just being words on a page.
    4) I combined the exact forms and notes I used in my 1 day workshop I did last year - and put it in this simple Vision Kit with a workbook and audio for you.

And, on the audio you will hear people who came to that workshop and had one of the best years of their life and business in 2013!

Not to mention it is also the process I used myself this past year, and I had a banner year!

All this for $29 - for a very limited time.

                                       Buy Now at 

Don't miss this great opportunity to get started completely connected to a sense of direction that makes sense and experience the success you want.  And, let's talk next year!