Monday, January 6, 2014

Creating a Kick A** Vision

             Are You Ready for a Kick A** Success Year?

                           Vision Kit Now Available

I don’t mean to shock you with my language……but I do plan to shock you with some information about why typical goal setting processes simply do not work for most people – and the reasons may be stunning to you!  And, it is probably affecting you and you don't even realize it.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have made sincere commitments to change certain aspects of your life starting January 1, but you were doing the same thing again by February 1?
  • You can barely remember your goals last year, but you do know you haven’t made the progress you want this year or gotten the results you were hoping for?
  • You are smart, savvy and know how important a structure for the coming future may be, but have trouble pulling all the pieces together?  (It just seems like way too much work.)
  • You’re uncertain what you want; it either feels completely unrealistic and overwhelming or too little to be accomplishing much. Do you need a strategy, a tactic, a goal, a vision, and intention? - you may have no idea….oh, help!!
You are not alone, and, for a limited time I am offering a straightforward Vision Kit that is easy to follow, fun to do (no it's not a big goal setting nightmare drag) and will help you set a foundation for a really kick a** year!  

I'm even going to send you an audio to go along with it because there's nothing quite like it.
                Buy Now at 

    1) You’ll see where the problem is – and it’s not YOU! 
    2) I'll show you what it takes to simplify and streamline it so your intentions fit you perfectly…..
    3) And, you'll learn  a 4 Step Vision process that you will remember on this exact date next year, and you may be amazed at far you have come……almost effortlessly. 
    4)  You will be connected emotionally to what you want rather than it just being words on a page.
    4) I combined the exact forms and notes I used in my 1 day workshop I did last year - and put it in this simple Vision Kit with a workbook and audio for you.

And, on the audio you will hear people who came to that workshop and had one of the best years of their life and business in 2013!

Not to mention it is also the process I used myself this past year, and I had a banner year!

All this for $29 - for a very limited time.

                                       Buy Now at 

Don't miss this great opportunity to get started completely connected to a sense of direction that makes sense and experience the success you want.  And, let's talk next year!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

You've Accomplished More Than You Think in the Past 12 Months

So, it’s the beginning of 2014, and you are getting ready to set the stage for big business, career and money goals for the New Year.

But, have you taken the step before that? Have you appreciated all your accomplishments from the past year? Until you fully embrace all the good you have already accomplished, you really can’t go on.

Here’s a basic law: you can only build success on a foundation of success. Unfortunately, we try to “succeed” as the antidotes to what we perceive are last year’s failures. “This year I will be more organized; I will make more money than I did last year; I will be better at spending time with the family, or I will be a better networker. The list goes on.

In other words, you feel like you should "fix" those things you did wrong last year. It doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, and in order to succeed, you’ve got to feel great about yourself.

So, here’s one of my favorite fun exercises called “You’ve Accomplished More Than You Think” and addresses areas we often don’t think about when we’re looking at our business and career goals. See if you don’t feel better afterwards.

Then, set your goals and intentions and see what happens!

Mentally check off any area of accomplishment that has taken place in the past year. Add or delete any words you choose. Make note of anything else that comes to mind.

___Showed up when I didn’t want to.
___Took a risk (No matter what the outcome)
___Heightened my creativity
___Achieved a financial goal
___Spoke up for myself
___Found outlet for my passion
___Expanded a gift or talent
___Did something healthy for my body
___Lived in alignment with my purpose
___Left a job
___Got grateful
___Had a healing with my family
___Forgave someone
___Reached out for help/Gave up doing it alone
___Became more heart-centered/stopped thinking so much
___Helped someone in need
___Tried something new
___Overcame a fear ___Managed my money better
___Faced an addiction
___Worked on releasing the past
___Achieved more balance
___Honored my intuition
___Learned a new skill
___Practiced being quiet
___Showed compassion
___Learned more about relaxing
___Deepened my faith

And other things:

What are the 1-3 areas that are significant for you?

What does it say about your values, deeper feelings and passions?  What's important to you?

Let me know what came up for you, and I know you did a lot of great things this past year, and that 2014 will only hold more!

PS:  If you're ready to take this to the next step, be sure to read my "Are Your Ready for a Kick A** Year in 2014?" post.