Friday, June 30, 2017

Happy July 4th!! How Independent Are You ?

As we head into our 241st celebration of American independence, what can be more “red white and blue” than entrepreneurship?  After all, we are founded on the dedication to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”   There is no doubt in my mind that nowhere else in the world is better soil to grow a creative entrepreneurial venture.                                                  
I am thrilled to say women have entered this arena once dominated by our forefathers and, according to Forbes, as of 2017 the rate of female entrepreneurs has been growing at a percentage at least double that of our male counterparts.
For all of this good news, I caution readers to assess how much independence you really have. 

 I find many of my clients have not only bought the American Dream, but also believe you must be constantly working hard, ever-vigilant, hyper-available, and often exhausted.  This is especially true of the women who care deeply and want to make a difference in today’s topsy-turvy world. 
How much freedom do you have really in your work or business?  

Here are some simple questions to ask yourself: 

1)      How long has it been since you’ve taken at least 1 week off – with minimal texting?  (More than 6 months may be a problem -you need off time for your brain to function properly.)

2)      Are your relationships with friends and family strained because you are always “so busy” they hesitate to ask you anymore?

3)      You don’t know what to put in that line that says “hobbies & outside interests” because you don’t have any?

4)      You’re not eating as well as you could and exercise is running between your computer and printer….

The list is endless - you get the idea.  This has been me more times than I want to tell you, however, it was a long time ago and I feel compelled to advocate for your freedom – even if you can’t see it yet.  

In this month of independence I’m going to address this again and will also be offering a free “mini-book” to offer some very specific strategies for you, so watch for it!

And have a very happy and independent July 4!  Let your freedom ring!

Mary Lyn 🎆🎇🎈

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

As I am just returning from some downtime with one of my longtime BFF's whom I haven't seen in awhile, I am reminded of how important vacation is not only for my personal health, but also for my business!

How high a priority is taking a vacation?  Are you waiting until “things calm down” or are more “under control?”  Maybe when you have more money?  Stop that right now!

Vacations are critically important not only for your health and well -being, but also for your ability to be creative and productive and those who are self- employed and on the more entrepreneurial track are especially difficult to convince to take the time – and you probably need to be doing it more often than you are.

There is a misguided perception that if you stay in town, it will improve your business.  Not true.  Why?

1)      Your brain needs downtime to run efficiently.  Your brain cannot go 100% or it will break down. You don’t let your vacuum cleaner run day after day; your brain needs to be off as well.  It needs to re-boot to function properly and keep your business refreshed!

2)      Time away produces the “happiness” chemical of serotonin which increases your sense of well- being and promotes creativity.  Richard Branson says that anyone who does not come home from vacation with a few better ideas for their business has bigger problems.

3)    Vacation makes you feel refreshed and energized.  Changing your everyday routine and getting some truly restful sleep can give you more energy to look at your challenges with a fresh perspective and return home ready to tackle your goals.

4)      Sound crazy?  The accounting firm of Ernst and Young did a study on the productivity of their employees and found that those who took extended vacations produced at least 8% better than those who skipped vacations.

So, if you want to really be productive this year, pack your bags!!

PS:  Let me know what YOUR vacation plans are this year!