Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Giving Without Expecting to Receive - and Receiving Even More!

Hello to Fired Up Spirits:

While my work is not exclusive to business owners, I spend a lot of time with business mavens of one type or another.  The subject is often about what you need to do to ‘GET RESULTS.’  The end game seems to be pretty consistently the focus.  I’m not saying results should be ignored, but since everything produces some kind of result – maybe we could embrace a kinder – and more effective - strategy.

One of my favorite gurus, Deepak Chopra, talks about the “Law of Giving and Receiving,”

“The universe operates through dynamic exchange . . . giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.”

Crazy, huh??!!  This is obviously the stuff for great spiritual minds, but wait!!  I belong to Business Network International  (BNI)  founded by business marketing expert, Ivan Meisner, Ph.D.,  and the slogan is “Givers Gain.”  Meetings are focused on what we can do for other members, not just ourselves.  Statistics seems to indicate those who give the most are the ones who receive the most business referrals.


If you find yourself stuck, reach out to help someone else. It will help you think about yourself less and get involved in something that may spark an idea that helps you.  Like Deepak says, the more we give, the more we receive.

Below is a way of giving that you can join led by my dear friend and client, Dr. Virginia Green, a marriage and family therapist who founded Stillwater Global to find ways to serve the overwhelming needs of the women of Uganda who have no access to therapists, counselors, teachers to help these often abused and raped women ripped from their families in a war-torn nation.  She is taking a second group of those who want to provide service – and learn about Africa – to teach these women how to help each other.  The last time she helped them start businesses.  She is a perfect example of what I am talking about.  

She is not doing it to build her business; she is doing it out of sense of “calling,” – and it’s a beautiful thing.  But incidentally, she flourishes.
Where do YOU need to be giving?  What touches you?  What do you want to be different?  We all do this in different ways – it is the ACT of giving that creates and open and abundant heart, and I wish that for you in every way.

More on Stillwater Global:  

If you have been attracted to Africa – or to wanting to be of greater service  - this is a great opportunity!  Reservations to be confirmed September 2017.

If you have just wanted to learn more and live near Redondo Beach, Dr. Green is conducting educational forums the last Sunday of every month until they leave.  For practicing therapists, 35 hours of CEUS are available for MFT’s, LCSW’s and LPCC’s in California.

Too far away to drop in?   For more info or to make a small donation : 
